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Nero Wang

Nero Wang

Product Executive

(Based in Beijing)

A journey of a thousand miles begin with a single step - Lao Tzu

Hi, I’m Nero, I was born in northeast China, in a small city called Benxi, and I hadn’t even been out of the province before university. When I was a student, my dream was to go out, and go anywhere, there is no destination, but I don’t want to live a life that repeats every day like the people around me, and then I went directly to Australia after graduating from high school, and I also chose Hotel and Eco-Tourism as my major. I thought one day can exploring the world after graduation.

I’ve been working for 10 years, in the travel industry. I’ve explored most of the planet, and now I’m used to sharing with you what I’ve seen and encountered over the years. During the 3 years of the pandemic, I’m definitely sure designing a trip is the thing I’m good at. Every time I design a travel itinerary, I hope to give you an unforgettable memory.

Speak to Nero at +86-10 85879261 or write to him here to start planning your Intriq Journey!


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